SSC - 2D Geometric Space Combat
- 2003-10-10
Version 0.8 now available!
Download from SourceForge. This release paves the way for many of the features needed for the 1.0 release. The v0.9 series will focus on gameplay and graphics. Send me you comments, and help to make this a fun game!
- 2003-09-27
Version 0.7 Released!
Download from SourceForge. The game is much more 3D now (camera views, and a new model for the player ship. As usual, some tuning and more speedups.
- 2003-09-21
First windows release now available! Download it now! (Note: I claim no responsibility if this breaks your computer!)
- 2003-09-19
Version 0.5 released; features black holes (gravity), and some sort of
leveling - the game at least gets harder.
- 2003-09-15
First public release
Welcome to SSC, the 2D (OpenGL accelerated) arcade shoot-em-up featuring numerous
colorful bouncy balls.
You can download the preview version of the game from
or (preferably) from
Here are some screenshots to whet your appetite:

Before you can compile and play SSC there are a few requirements. You must have
hardware graphics acceleration, or else the game will be painfully slow. As far
as libraries are concerned, you should have OpenGL (usually present).
You will need SDL and SDL_mixer (for sound) as well. FreeType2 is required for
truetype font rendering. ODE is
now required, but is bundled with the source distributions.
Version 0.9 will introduce the following features:
- improvements to graphics (including texturing for nice effects)
- a scoring system
- more graphics improvements
- better gameplay, enemies, level goals, etc.
Subsequent versions after 1.0 will work toward other goals maintained in the README.
User Information
If you are looking for a quick five minutes of blast-em-up action, you'll have to
get this thing compiled first. The basic steps are:
tar xvfj ssc-0.8.tar.bz2
cd ssc-0.8
make install # as root
And this should produce an executable 'ssc' which can be run directly. The game
looks for its datafiles in /usr/local/share/ssc/ (hardcorded for now, sorry).
To play, you can use the arrow keys to move and the key 'A' to fire, as such:
Key | Description |
a | fire |
s | toggle slow-motion (half-time) |
r | toggle radar display |
c | cycle camera view |
[up] | accelerate |
[down] | decelerate (quickly) |
[left] | rotate left |
[right] | rotate right |
[pause] | toggle game pause |
[F1] | toggle full-screen |
[ESC] | exit game |
There is some code for mouse control, but it isn't an optimal configuration.
General tips:
- Bogeys (blue) move in flocks. Try to single them out for quick kills
as they are more dangerous when they are near death
- Lunatics (white) have a negative mass, and can cling on to you, causing
massive damage. Try to kill them before they touch you, otherwise, try
accelerating/rotating/firing near walls.
- Fatso's (beige?) don't really do anything, but are very massive. You
may be able to use them to your advantage if you can get bogey's to
collide with them. Beware of Lunatics clinging on to Fatsos!
- Blackholes (green - go figure) suck you in and cause massive damage.
They also affect Bogeys to a small degree, so you can orbit a Blackhole
and try to lure Bogeys to their deaths.
- Smarties (grey) learn to fly as the game progresses - actually, they
usually fly pretty well within the first ten seconds.. Smarties are
not too dangerous, but mostly annoying; they constantly bash into you
and can make you an easy target for bogies.
Developer Information
I am looking for input into the project. Goals are:
- maintain and improve the clarity of the current code base (maybe with a
few more comments too)
- rely as little as possible on external data packs
- add more flashy graphics (how about a camera sweep introduction?)
- come up with level ideas and goals
- design new types of enemies
- support multiplayer and network
- implement a rigid body physics model which does not allow overlapping
- some sounds and effects (currently you can drop in the Chromium wav
directory relative to ssc and get sound effects and music)
- add some more supported platforms
General game idea goals are a physics based game (not necessarily entirely composed
of circles, but probably 2D) which features interesting enemies, intense gameplay,
and AI/a-life themes.
I am open to suggestions!
This game is written by Thomas D. Marsh.
It draws a lot of inspiration from its predecessor Koules.
The audio code was used from Chromium BSU and is Copyright (c) 2000 Mark B. Allan.
Check it out at
The fonts come from Divide By Zero (
The asteroid code has been adapted by the instructive game A Steroid by Paolo Cignoni.
TrueType support is achieved with a massively stripped down OGLFT.
This project is hosted by SourceForge.